Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What Drives A Person To Become A Teacher?

Have you ever looked at a person and wondered, 'Why did they enter this particular profession?' Many people ask themselves this question when seeing teachers. Most people would say that teachers aren't doing it for the money, as the average salary of elementary school teachers in the U.S. is about $41,000 a year. For most teachers though, becoming a teacher is based on many more important factors than the pay.
One factor that contributes to the choice of becoming a teacher for many is that they have a certain personality that entices them to become educators and care givers of children. Most teachers have great enthusiasm, either for the subject matter that they teach or simply because they are able to help students grow and achieve a variety of obstacles. In addition, many teachers are passionate in regards to their work, and in my opinion every teacher should be passionate about their job.

It's obvious that teachers will always be needed. There are so many schools in the U.S. and many are in need for people who actually have a desire to teach. Being a person who wants to share their knowledge, values, and beliefs with others in hopes to inspire, educate, and guide them is pretty spectacular if you ask me. These people are not always easy to come by either. You can usually tell by walking into a classroom, if this teacher is here for the paycheck or if they are here for the children. I agree that the best teachers are there to unlock the students' potential and  help motivate them for success!

Why Become A Teacher?

Good Reasons for Becoming A Teacher

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